Monday, November 23, 2009

Scratch Art

For this project we took one of our sketches from out  sketch book and copied the drawing onto the scratch art paper. First, you had to use a pencil and color the whole back of your original sketch.  Thank you trace the outline of the original sketch onto the scratch are and use a stick to scratch out the design.  I thought this was fun and I ended up adding more objects to my sketch as I went to take up space on the picture. 

Extension: Students could use this project for almost anything.  I think it would be neat if students used this to create a story book.  Each student could create their own page of the story book and than at the end they could collaborate their drawings into one large book.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Working with Clay

In this lesson we were given the opportunity to experiment with clay.  We were to close our eyes and create something of our choice.  Than we were able to work with our eyes open to create whatever we wanted.  After the clay dried we were able to paint it creating our finished design.

Extension:  I think this would be fun to do after reading a story to the class.  After the story is finish the students can create their own alternate ending out of clay and present it to the class also describing the ending thye would choose.  They can use the clay to create the scene and the students can use pain or any other media to emphasize the ending they are trying to tell.


Healing: to get well or curing something

Love: to be passionate for another person

Listen: to hear what someone has to say; to give a ttention with the ear

Flamboyance: something that stands out

I thought this project was a lot of fun and I enjoy the rotation we kept doing with each others pieces. This adds creativity and individualism to the collages. I liked to see what others added to my beginning project and the ability to take away or add if I wanted to. This was a fun project that I think several students could enjoy.

Extension: As an extension you could use this art work to help with vocabulary words or to study for a test. Students could also use this as gifts. They could use the different Medias to describe the person they will be giving it to.