Thursday, December 10, 2009


This was a lesson on scrapbooking.  We learned the history of scrapbooking and than we were given a bunch of supplies to create our own scrapbook page.  The more color and the designs on your page the better it will look.  I had a lot of fun doing this. 

Extension - Student could create differnt scrapbooks for subjects they are learning about.  For example they could create a Native American scrapbook with pictures, songs, artwork, ect..  Or they could create their own creative writing scrapbook with pictures to go along with it.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Sketch Books

In class we got to create our own sketch books.  First we made our own paper by painting plain white paper with colors of our choice. I chose to do some blending with yellow, green and pink and than splatted chunks of paint on top.  We put this paper over pieces of card board to create a cover. Than we put paper in between the two covers and sewed the book together.  This is a cheap and creative way to make your own books or journals.

As an extension students could create one of these for daily journal entries for language arts class.  These actually could be used for any class: social studies - journal as if you were with Lewis and Clark on their exhibition; Math - students could have different rules, theories, and definitions and math problems in here to help them study; Science - students could figure out different equations in here or write different formulas you may need to know.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Four Seasons Window

In this kindergarten through 2nd grade lesson we got to create our very own four season’s window. The lesson started with a discussion on the four different seasons (winter, summer, fall, and spring) and different things we relate to these seasons. Example: snow with winter; flowers with spring, leaves with fall, and sun with summer. We were than given four different pieces of an empty tree. We got to use water color to paint the background in colors that reminded us of each season. Than we could use different medias to add to the different seasons such as crayons, markers, paper, paint, cotton balls, glitter, ect…) We used scrunched up paper to create buds on the trees and red paint to create apples. Cotton balls were used to represent the snow and little pieces of paper to represent fall leaves. This was a fun project and the final project I was very pleased with.

Extension: For science class you could have a discussion on the different seasons and changes that occur in each one. Discuss how snow is formed or what creates rain. This could also be used for a creative writing assignment for Language Arts. Students could write a story for each season and possible even create a book.


This 4th grade art lesson was based on the use of pastels. We were taught the proper techniques of blending and shading pastel colors. First we were to pick a shape and have a light source shining somewhere on the shape. This gave it a three dimensional image. Than we learned about landscapes and got to select a picture of a landscape. We than started with the sky and worked our way downward blending and shading to create our landscape. If you want to make a shade of a color you add black and white to create a tint. The blending of dark and light colors gave the landscape a depth perception. I had a lot of fun creating my landscape.

As an extension students can learn about the different mountain ranges around the United States in geography class. Than they can take different photos of those mountain ranges and use the pastels to draw a huge map shading and blending the different mountain ranges.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Stepping Stones

In this lesson students were asked to, "Step into art."  They got to create their own personal stepping stones using media of their choice (beads, rocks, pictures, leafs, yarn, ect..).  They first learned the history of a form of stepping stones - mosaic.  Then they got to use their creativity to create their own stepping stone.  Kindergarteners would have a lot of fun with project and could give the final stepping stone away as a gift or keep it for themselves. 

Extension: Students will share their stepping stone with the class during circle time and maybe share who they would like to give it to and why.  This could also be used during science class while talking about rocks and formation for the older classes.


This lesson began with a discussion on holidays and certain symbols that may bring about the holiday spirit.  Then it went on to talk about the history of print making.  I thought this was a creative idea to incorporate art.  We each got to sketch our own holiday symbol into a piece of styrofoam.  The places we sketched in were going to be the white spots on our print.  Than we chose a color of ink and rolled it all over out print.  We than placed it onto a piece of construction paper, folded into a card, and rolled the image onto the paper create our own holiday card. 

Extension: Students could write cards to people of their choice to give away as gifts.  This could be used while talking about various different subjects and could be used to make math cards or vocabulary cards.

Vanishing Points

For this project we learned how to create designs using vanishing points.  I thought this was a very neat idea and was really neat once I got the hang of it.  After learning the technique we got to create our own sketch of buildings in a downtown area.  It was neat how all the lines came together.

Extension: A good extension for this project would be using math. Examples: measuring lines, drawing 3-D images, using a ruler, and also a protractor could be incorporated.  Students could also create a story behind their drawings to be used as a writing assignment.

Me, Myself, and My Initials

I had a lot of fun creating this project.  We had to take pictures or magazines and cut them into geometric shapes.  Than we cut out our initials on a piece of construction paper and placed it over the design of our pictures.  I used pictures I found while going through old photos and also used some old birthday cards I had received.
Extension: Students can use this white defining vocabulary words.  They could cut out pictures that describe the word and then write the definition on the back.  Students could quiz each other to prepare for quizzes.

Comic Strips

This piece of art was created for a lesson on creating comic strips.  I think this is a fun project that many 3rd graders would enjoy.  They like to use their imagination and create funny stories.  I found it to be a bit difficult for me but I based this off of a real life situation.  When I was young my mom, brother and I were going on a trip and my mom hit a deer but she actually thought it was a pig until after hitting it.  It was fun to try and make this into a comic.

For an extension: Students could create their own story behind the comic strip they chose to create and write a one page paper on it to share with the class.

Sand Art

This was a project on Native American sand art.  I thought it was neat project to do in order to incorporate other cultures into the art process.  First we had to come up with a Native American pattern of our choice and color it with crayon onto a piece of sandpaper.  Than, using an iron we had to iron the desing onto a piece of white paper to create a copy of it. 

For an extension for this project, students could discus the Native American culture and some other forms of art they use.  One idea would be learning how to do Native American bead work.  I think there is a lot of differnt creative idea you could use with this culture.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Scratch Art

For this project we took one of our sketches from out  sketch book and copied the drawing onto the scratch art paper. First, you had to use a pencil and color the whole back of your original sketch.  Thank you trace the outline of the original sketch onto the scratch are and use a stick to scratch out the design.  I thought this was fun and I ended up adding more objects to my sketch as I went to take up space on the picture. 

Extension: Students could use this project for almost anything.  I think it would be neat if students used this to create a story book.  Each student could create their own page of the story book and than at the end they could collaborate their drawings into one large book.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Working with Clay

In this lesson we were given the opportunity to experiment with clay.  We were to close our eyes and create something of our choice.  Than we were able to work with our eyes open to create whatever we wanted.  After the clay dried we were able to paint it creating our finished design.

Extension:  I think this would be fun to do after reading a story to the class.  After the story is finish the students can create their own alternate ending out of clay and present it to the class also describing the ending thye would choose.  They can use the clay to create the scene and the students can use pain or any other media to emphasize the ending they are trying to tell.


Healing: to get well or curing something

Love: to be passionate for another person

Listen: to hear what someone has to say; to give a ttention with the ear

Flamboyance: something that stands out

I thought this project was a lot of fun and I enjoy the rotation we kept doing with each others pieces. This adds creativity and individualism to the collages. I liked to see what others added to my beginning project and the ability to take away or add if I wanted to. This was a fun project that I think several students could enjoy.

Extension: As an extension you could use this art work to help with vocabulary words or to study for a test. Students could also use this as gifts. They could use the different Medias to describe the person they will be giving it to.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Very Hungry Catapillar

After the teacher read the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar I decided to create a butterfly using the scraps from our paper. I used one solid sheet for the background and used several different scraps to form the butterfly. The design of the butterfly is created out of shapes because I would use this artwork with students in kindergarten and first grade. They can learn about and use the different shapes while creating a butterfly designed just the way they would like it. Than we could use the shapes to do addition/subtraction and learn the number of sides different shapes have. This project could also be used in Science while discussing the transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly. I had a lot of fun creating this piece and I think students would enjoy it as well.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Yellow, Red and Blue - Wassily Kandinsky

This print is created using high-quality paper and printing to produce a vivid and detailed preproduction.  I think this piece uses several elements and principles.  This piece uses music to create a very vibrant print with several movements.
Shapes - circles, triangles, rectangles
Lines of different widths and style - straight, squiggly, curved
Color - warm and cool colors

Movement - there is a lot of movement going on in this picture with the different lines and changed in colors
Balance - two main center pieces
Texture - the different shades and widths of line add texture
Emphasis - there is emphasis placed on the circles and some of the shapes that are shadowed by dark colors.

I think this artist was full of life and had a deep passion for music.  He uses music shapes and elements to personalize his work. He used only three colors for this work I believe - yellow, red , and blue to create a wonderful piece that really is unique.

I would definitely own this piece in my house.  I think the colors are really upbeat and the picture gives me energy.  I like the different shapes and shades used in this work.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Elements and Principles of Design: Line and Pattern

The main focus of this piece was to use the element of line and the principle of pattern to create a composition. I created a pattern using three rows with three different sized boxes in each row. Each box in the row used a different form of line and than I repeated this in the different boxes throughout the rows. I chose to use cool colors for the lines and used a combination of markers, crayons, colored pencils and fabric paint to add different medias to my work. I had a lot of fun creating this piece and I feel I did a good job. Next time I would possibly add more media and maybe a contrast color to the cool colors.
Extension: This project could be used in math class.  Students could practice measuring lines and creating differnt shapes and patterns.

Starry Night Finger Painting

This is my interpretation of Starry Night by Van Gogh. As I look out my window on this calm, gloomy night my hair gently blows as the wind softly comes into my window. I look out into the close-knit community I live in and realize everyone is tucked asleep in their warm cozy beds. For some reason I am not able to sleep so I begin to paint the town. As I am drawn into the night my painting becomes darker and darker and swirls flow throughout the sky. I am staring wide awake into this calm starry night.

Extension:  Students could do this weekly for differnt book reports they may have to give or books required to read.  When completeing the book they can fingerpaint picutres to illustrate the story.

Monday, October 12, 2009

My Footprint

My footprint represents who I am. The picture of Mount Rushmore shows where I come from - Rapid City,SD. The flower represents my love for the outdoors. I have a math problem on here because that is my favorite subject in school. The running shoes represent me because I like to go on runs, walks, and hiking when I get the chance. The Chinese symbol stands for family because my family is a very important part of my life. I have the words love and beach on here because I really like being at the beach and the love stands for my love for my family, friends, and those important to me.

Extension: For language arts class students could write a creative story about themselves to share with the class or even create a poem to describe or introduce themself.

Welcome to my Art Gallery

Since beginning ARTE 310, I have really enjoy the new techniques, principles, and elements that I have learned about. Proir to this class my knowledge about art was very slim and now I find myself really appreciating the art around me. I notice the differnt elements and principles that artist use for their work. I think I have already progressed somewhat in my artistic ability since the beginning of the year and I look forward to seeing my progress at the end of the semester.